Welcome to the GaRID CEU page.
Please select from the list of continuing education activities listed below.
Processing Time
CEU Processing can vary depending on what is happening at the CMP headquarters. It can take up to 60 days for CEUs to appear. If it has been 60 days since the completion of the activity and you don't see your CEUs, please contact GaRID for troubleshooting. Be aware of timing and try to get your CEUs taken care of early in your 4-year cycle. Last minute scrambling can mean undue stress on yourself and your GaRID CMP Chair. And on that note, remember that your local CMP Chair is a volunteer who works with you and RID. We make every effort to make sure your CEUs are taken care of.
Please contact CMP@GaRID.org with any questions.
Certification Maintenance Program Mission The integrity of RID Certification requires a commitment to life-long learning. It is the mission of the Certification Maintenance Program (CMP) to ensure the quality and effectiveness of educational opportunities provided for certified members, to establish standards for professional development and to provide a framework for certification maintenance, which will guarantee full and fair participation for all certified members. (Motion 96.07) | Associate Continuing Education Tracking Mission It is the mission of the Associate Continuing Education Tracking (ACET) program to promote professional advancement through a culture of life-long learning. (Motion 96.08) |
CMP Participants All RID Certified interpreters and transliterators are considered CMP participants. The CMP requires participants earn a minimum of eight (8.0) Continuing Education Units (CEUs) during each four (4) year certification maintenance cycle. These CEUs are earned by successfully completing learning activities approved by Sponsors. | ACET Participants RID Associate members are automatically enrolled in the ACET Program. This program allows Associate members to document the continuing education activities that they have attended and to demonstrate professional participation in the interpreting field. The ACET program is only available to Associate members. Participation in this program begins when the member pays the annual fee for the fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). When an Associate member becomes certified, the CEUs earned in the ACET program do not transfer over to fulfill the CMP requirements. However, the ACET fees are credited to the CMP program through the end of the fiscal year (at which time the newly Certified interpreter becomes responsible for paying CMP fees). |